Enjoy your memorable time with Celebrated Myanmar

Festivals in March

Shwedagon Pagoda festival

Shwedagon Pagoda Festival

Date            : Full Moon Day of Tabaung
Location      : Yangon
Duration     : Approximately one week preceding the full moon day

Shwe Dagon Pagoda Festival is one of the most visited festivals for pilgrims all over the country. Buddhist devotes pay homage every day and their donations to go towards the preservation of the pagoda. There is a competition to weave the holy robes using traditional looms to be offered to the Buddha Images at the four corners of the pagoda before dawn.

Pindaya Shwe Oo Min Festival

Date            : 11th  Waxing to Full Moon Day of Tabaung
Location      : Pindaya, Southern Shan State
Duration     : 5 days

This festival is a traditional pagoda festival which honour of the Buddha statues inside the Pindaya Cave. Devotees form villages around the area came to the Pindaya Cave with cars, huge line of traditional bullock-carts.

Kakku Pagoda Festival

Date            : Begins on 14th Waxing of Tabaung
Location      : Kekku Ancient Pagoda Comple
Duration     : 3 days

Kakku Pagoda Festival is held near Taunggyi which is located Southern Shan state. Pa Oh people from all the surrounding villages come to the festival in their best costumes to pay homage to the pagoda on the full moon day of Tabaung. Some of the villagers around that area come in bullock carts.