Maha Muni Pagoda Festival (Mandalay)
Date : 14th Waxing and Full Moon Day of Tabodwe
Location : Mandalay
Duration : 2 days
Maha Muni Pagoda Festival is held in February is the coldest month in Myanmar. Devotees light bonfires and cook huge pans of sticky rice with ginger, coconut and sesame to offer to monks. In this festival, the Chinlone (Cane Ball) competition is enjoying to watch.
Kyaik Khauk Pagoda Festival
Date : 8th Waxing to Full Moon Day of Tabodwe
Location : Thanlyin, near Yangon
Duration : 8 days
Kyaik Khauk Pagoda Festival is one of the famous pagoda festivals around Yangon. There are some activities in this festival such as Stage Show and Movies shown in the open air the whole night every day. The famous entertainment is Zat (a variety of dance, song and short and long plays), Anyient (a performance takes few hours with traditional Myanmar dance and some comedian).
Htamane (Glutinous Rice Festival)
Date : Full Moon Day of Tabodwe
Location : Throughout the country
Duration : 1 day
This festival is especially for the competition between of men for donation of Glutinous Rice to the Buddha in early morning on Full Moon day and donated to people.